Auto Advance will automatically move on to the next page, activity, or question after completion. It also has different "modes", allowing for a more custom experience.
Returns to home page after each lesson to advance to the next activity.
Advances to the Next Activity without returning to the class coursemap.
Like Coursemap, will return to the homepage after each activity but instead, it will scroll down to find your next unlocked assignment (will advance past locked tests).
Uses our advanced AI note generator to take notes after each instructional activity.
Auto advance delay will make EdgyPro wait before moving on to the next frame/question in activities. You can customize how long you want EdgyPro to wait before submitting by entering any number between 1 to 300 seconds.
When combining Auto Advance with Auto Answers, it will automatically submit the activity after completion. You can customize how long you want EdgyPro to wait before submitting by entering any number between 1 to 60 minutes.
Auto Answers will automatically answer questions on graded test activities such as Quizzes, Unit Tests, and Practices. It also has different "modes", allowing for a more custom experience.
Clicks, selects, and writes the correct answer for all auestions.
Subtly highlights the correct option when hovered for you to click on your own. Stealth mode does not answer written response questions.
Automatically answer questions on activities labeled "Assignment".
Answers unknown questions by picking a random opion.
Automatically answers ungraded activities like Warm-Ups and Instructions by guessing randomly.
Automatically complete activities with the title "Vocabulary".
Automatically advances in "Virtual Lab" activities by clicking the space bar.
Stops the page from logging you out automatically when you are AFK.
Rather than just keeping you logged in, if you stop progressing for longer than 5 minutes, it will refresh the page in the rare case EdgyPro gets stuck.
Puts a search button under all questions which searches the web for an answer.
EdgyPro has a built in "Brainly Unlocker" which unlocks all questions on without the need for Brainly Plus. (Free Brainly Plus)
Uses our own personally trained AI to automatically get written response answers. Also appends a "Ask AI" button under all questions which asks our AI chat bot the answer to your question.
Set the background of your page to any image. Supports GIFS.
Log your EdgyPro session activity to a Discord Webhook URL.
When enabled, all logs will mention the selected user by pinging them on Discord. Optionally, you can choose "Only Important", which will only ping the specified user ID for critical alerts and important logs.
A built in feature that allows you to access any frame/question on instructional activities.
Skips ungraded activities on Language classes.
Allows you to open multiple activities at the same time, even in different classes.
Shows the "example response" on written answers (if available on the page).
Skips the intro audio clip before questions with intros by deleting the invisible overlay.
Set the brightness of videos in activities with video instructions.
Hides private info on the page such as your first & last name, course names, and school name.
Hides the menu by making it invisible. Use CTRL-SHIFT-H to unhide it or CTRL-SHIFT-R to completely reset it.